THANK YOu from the bottom of our hearts for being the front line!

During this time you are the heroes! We will never forget your dedication to the community.


Over the years our team has been blessed to help many outstanding associates retire from Trinity Health, Ascension, Henry Ford Health, Michigan Medicine, Beaumont and Mclaren.

Michigan Retirement Group is dedicated to helping healthcare professionals better understand the many options offered to individuals who are considering retirement. From pensions to 403(B) or 401(A) accounts there are many very important decisions to be made including some very serious tax consequences if things are not done correctly. Our team will work closely with you and walk you through the various options so that you have a better understanding of the affect that each will have on your retirement and how we can use these options to make your retirement dreams come true. Retirement may be closer than you think. Seventy-five percent of people that we meet with, retire sooner than they thought would be possible.  With proper planning, this could be you.

Our team of talented experts will help you with:

-Investment Planning
-Estate Planning
-Healthcare / Medicare
-Setting Your Date
-In-Service Distributions
-Social Security Planning
-Retirement Taxes

Visit our Happy Retirees page to view some of their stories. They could be somebody that you know!

We are Michigan’s Premiere Retirement Group! Helping people just like you step out of the work force and into retirement is all that we do. We bring a team of industry experts to help you mold your own, individual retirement plan at no charge to you! No other company offers these experts. This team is here for you, even after you retire, as a resource to help guide you through your retirement and ensure that everything runs smoothly

Great News for healthcare workers ages 59 1/2 and over!

The IRS has an approved program that protects your retirement assets by moving all or part of your 401A, 403B or TSP from your company sponsored retirement plan into your own personal retirement account or IRA.  This program, called an In-Service Distribution, is designed to protect the bulk of your retirement assets as you near retirement while you are still working. Depending on your provider, some plans may restrict this. We will help you determine if you are eligible. [Learn More]

Great News for Single Women interested in retirement!

Single Women, regardless of the circumstance, face a unique set of issues when moving from the workforce into retirement. We have unique opportunities that are available to enhance your retirement. [Learn More]